Sunny Cha
December 15, 2015
Tenjin is proud to announce DataVault, a professional, fully managed, direct access SQL Data Warehouse for all your marketing needs. It’s a big step to democratizing mobile app business infrastructure.
App developers commonly build business infrastructure once their mobile app shows promise. This is distracting. Tenjin can offload this infrastructure work with DataVault, allowing developers to focus on improving their app without risking any business decision making due to a lack of user understanding.
3rd party analytics, attribution, and ad network business partners define their output schemas differently, forcing the developer to join valuable data types together on their own. Because of this, app developers and marketers risk calculation errors every time they try to join the data manually in Excel.
Did you ever tie thousands of campaigns across an analytics partner, attribution partner, and ad network partner on a specific campaign_name in Excel? Did you ever need to run cohorted user SQL queries to join additional internal data in Excel?
With so many campaigns you better believe there will be mismatches! Insane right?
Tenjin’s system and infrastructure ties your marketing and user level characteristics with 100% accuracy, pushing the critical unified data into your very own DataVault. It’s a SQL (Redshift) database that has all external and internal data organized regardless if you use any of Tenjin’s available marketing software services or external ones.
So what does this mean for Tenjin DataVault users?
Your precious marketing information is clean, accurate, organized, and in one place with zero maintenance! Since the data is clean and accurate it’s easy to perform ad-hoc queries no matter where it came from (e.g., Chartboost, Facebook, Tenjin attribution, Adjust, etc) knowing everything is on an apples-to-apples comparison. Data coming from multiple sources now appears as a single source.
We’ve also seen current customers go multiple steps farther. Build predictive Python or R models with it. Create views. Aggregate ratings and rankings. Use your favorite BI tool. If it can connect to a database, it can connect to Tenjin DataVault.
Perform any custom analyses in your BI or Data Science pipeline. Feel free to copy or ETL the data into your own data systems.
There is zero ramp-up or maintenance time because the Data Vault is fully managed for you by Tenjin.
Your data is fully isolated in your own database and schema. Regenerate a new password if needed.
Would you like to get started? Contact us and we’d be happy to help!