広告収益のコールバックとROASキャンペーンにより、YOMI StudioのARPDAUが60%増加 – ケーススタディ
このケーススタディでは、Tenjinの広告収益のコールバックとROAS キャンペーンの実施後、前例のない成長を達成したYOMI Studioの事例を紹介します。彼らが達成したことの要約は次のとおりです。
このケーススタディでは、Tenjinの広告収益のコールバックとROAS キャンペーンの実施後、前例のない成長を達成したYOMI Studioの事例を紹介します。彼らが達成したことの要約は次のとおりです。
In our latest case study, we take you through the journey of Kooapps as they scale from an indie studio to a major publisher with Tenjin. Here is a summary of the results they achieved using Tenjin’s ad attribution, session-based ad revenue LTV, and DataVault: About Kooapps Kooapps is a mobile gaming studio and publisher. They...
The importance of incorporating automated tools to gain data insights was escalated by the iOS 14.5 privacy changes. In this case study, we follow the journey of Umami Games as they make the switch from manual reporting in tools like Google Spreadsheets and Trello, to a fully automated data infrastructure post-IDFA. By building internal BI,...
We share our newest case study with Vietnam game developer, Gamejam. We discuss how a small user acquisition team learned to manage campaigns without devoting significant time to the task. The team needed to find a solution that centered around optimizing their bid automation. They integrated Tenjin’s free Reporting Metrics API in order to enrich...
We published our latest case study with Godzilab on how they found success using Tenjin. We discovered that Godzilab was looking for a solution to combine aggregate data from various sources in one place easily. It comprised a solution that synchronised data sets from 3rd party attribution, analytics, ad revenue, and ad spend providers without the need...
The importance of easily manageable aggregate data has never been so high, especially after recent iOS 14 news. Our latest client case study is about the Tokyo game development company, TokyoSmartGames. They use Tenjin to transition from using Google Spreadsheets to building their own internal BI. TokyoSmartGames Director, Kinoshita Tomohiro, provides insights into how the user acquisition...
このフォームを送信することにより、プライバシーポリシーに基づき、Tenjinによる個人データの収集と処理に同意することを確認します。 プライバシーポリシー.