广告收入回访和 ROAS 活动将 YOMI Studio 的 ARPDAU 提高了 60% - 案例研究
YOMI Studio 通过 Tenjin 提供的一系列产品,包括数据仓库,展示层级的广告收益(ILRD,Impression level revenue data)回调等,在过去半年实现了超高速增长的目标...
YOMI Studio 通过 Tenjin 提供的一系列产品,包括数据仓库,展示层级的广告收益(ILRD,Impression level revenue data)回调等,在过去半年实现了超高速增长的目标...
在我们最新的成功案例分享中,我们将带您了解 Kooapps 从独立工作室发展到一个成功的发行商的历程。Kooapps 使用 Tenjin 的广告归因、基于会话的广告收入 LTV 和 DataVault 所取得的成果摘要:
在 iOS 14.5 隐私政策变更的背景下,采用自动化工具以获取数据洞察的重要性尤为突出。在这个案例研究中,我们将跟随 Umami Games 的旅程,了解他们如何从诸如 Google Spreadsheets 和 Trello 等手动报告工具转向完全自动化的数据基础设施。
We share our newest case study with Vietnam game developer, Gamejam. We discuss how a small user acquisition team learned to manage campaigns without devoting significant time to the task. The team needed to find a solution that centered around optimizing their bid automation. They integrated Tenjin’s free Reporting Metrics API in order to enrich...
We published our latest case study with Godzilab on how they found success using Tenjin. We discovered that Godzilab was looking for a solution to combine aggregate data from various sources in one place easily. It comprised a solution that synchronised data sets from 3rd party attribution, analytics, ad revenue, and ad spend providers without the need...
The importance of easily manageable aggregate data has never been so high, especially after recent iOS 14 news. Our latest client case study is about the Tokyo game development company, TokyoSmartGames. They use Tenjin to transition from using Google Spreadsheets to building their own internal BI. TokyoSmartGames Director, Kinoshita Tomohiro, provides insights into how the user acquisition...
点击订阅按钮,我在此同意 Tenjin 按照隐私政策的收集和处理个人数据。 隐私政策.