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AI 加速系列:使用 AI 工具时,开发团队需要牢记的四点

AI 加速系列:开发和发行的技巧和诀窍

  • Pay Attention to These Overlooked Mobile Metrics!

    Sunny Cha

    Pay Attention to These Overlooked Mobile Metrics!

    High-level KPIs like ARPU and retention are great for getting a big-picture view of your mobile app’s health, but while they might suffice for an executive summary, developers tasked with moving the needle every day know the value of digging deeper. We put together a list of some valuable and overlooked KPIs that are driving...

  • Tenjin DataVault: a marketing infrastructure as a service.

    Sunny Cha

    Tenjin DataVault: a marketing infrastructure as a service.

    Tenjin is proud to announce DataVault, a professional, fully managed, direct access SQL Data Warehouse for all your marketing needs. It’s a big step to democratizing mobile app business infrastructure. App developers commonly build business infrastructure once their mobile app shows promise. This is distracting. Tenjin can offload this infrastructure work with DataVault, allowing developers to...

  • Building for the Marketing Scientist

    Chris Farm

    Building for the Marketing Scientist

    As marketing goes digital, it starts to share a lot of common ground with data science. At Tenjin, we are seeing people with backgrounds in these two seemingly distinct fields, marketing and data science, emerge with a new role: the “Marketing Scientist”. There are two main drivers for the rise of the Marketing Scientist: These two...
