前不久召开,距离隐私革命的开始,已经过去了两年。正是在 2020 年的 WWDC 上,Apple 首次宣布改变开发者访问广告标示符(IDFA)的方式...
Explore our collection of original content on mobile marketing trends covering industry trends, expert insights, and practical tips
前不久召开,距离隐私革命的开始,已经过去了两年。正是在 2020 年的 WWDC 上,Apple 首次宣布改变开发者访问广告标示符(IDFA)的方式...
在 iOS 14.5 隐私政策变更的背景下,采用自动化工具以获取数据洞察的重要性尤为突出。在这个案例研究中,我们将跟随 Umami Games 的旅程,了解他们如何从诸如 Google Spreadsheets 和 Trello 等手动报告工具转向完全自动化的数据基础设施。
由 iOS 14.5 带来的不确定性,正在促使广告主们将预算更多的转移到安卓产品线中。尽管在 Google Play 渠道进行安卓发行仍然是最主要的选择之一,但其它安卓应用商店中潜力也在为开发和营销团队创造更大的机会吸引新的用户...
The introduction of SKAdNetwork significantly changed the role Facebook MMPs (Mobile Measurement Partners) play within the mobile ecosystem. At this point, there is no difference between using Facebook MMPs and the tools that Facebook is providing publicly. We believe that iOS 14.5 and SKAdNetwork leveled the playing field for everyone involved in advertising measurement and...
‘Your App May Soon Be Blocked, and five other things no one is telling you about iOS 14.5.’ That was the name of the presentation I gave last week during WN Winter. Since iOS 14.5 is likely to be released in the upcoming weeks, I would like to share those six reasons with everyone today: Summary:...
Starting from 2021, advertisers on iOS won’t be able to calculate key cohort metrics, like ROI or LTV, for most of their ad campaigns. This creates a new paradigm where both mobile publishers and vendors will need to innovate to succeed. At Tenjin, we are focusing our efforts on building a new type of methodology...
点击订阅按钮,我在此同意 Tenjin 按照隐私政策的收集和处理个人数据。 隐私政策.