Our latest industry report “From Hyper to Hybrid in 2024” is here! 马上获取报告

Tenjin 推出三项扶持政策,支持中小型团队和独立开发者跨越周期,降本增效

墨西哥顶级移动出版商是如何将其投资组合的 LTV 提升 35%的 - HyperBeard 的案例研究

《转型 2023: 从广告变现到混合变现》上半年报告更新(广告平台和国家/地区排名 + IAP 和 eCPM 趋势)

  • How will COVID-19 affect the hyper-casual industry in 2020: A virtual panel

    Ebony Nicole Simone

    How will COVID-19 affect the hyper-casual industry in 2020: A virtual panel

    Mobile gaming is seeing a surge due to the current stay-at-home measures around the global pandemic. Late last year, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is found in China and quickly spreads worldwide. And here we are today.This current pandemic affects the economies of major countries, the expansion of all industries. In mobile gaming, hyper-casual is no...

  • Case Study: ITI uses Tenjin to help increase Apple Search Ads installs by 6x

    Ebony Nicole Simone

    Case Study: ITI uses Tenjin to help increase Apple Search Ads installs by 6x

    We published our latest case study with ITI on how they found success using Tenjin and Apple Search Ads. We discuss with ITI Developer, Kosei Saegusa, how they began publishing hyper-casual games worldwide, and what optimization techniques they use to increase their Apple Search Ads install volume by six times. Humble Beginnings ITI’s journey started...

  • Top 10 Ad Networks to advertise Hyper-casual Games in 2020

    Ebony Nicole Simone

    Top 10 Ad Networks to advertise Hyper-casual Games in 2020

    We recently released our 2020 Hyper-Casual benchmark report. In addition to insights for the Top 10 countries, included in this report is an outline of the Top 10 ad networks for User Acquisition and Ad Monetization. We’re all too familiar with networks like Facebook and Google, but what about other channels where you can buy inexpensive...

  • Tenjin joins Google Measurement Partners

    Ebony Nicole Simone

    Tenjin joins Google Measurement Partners

    With the announcement of Tenjin becoming an App Attribution Partner in Google’s Measurement Partner program, clients should look forward to gaining valuable campaign insights, across Google advertising products, that will allow them to better measure and optimise their performance. “To help you better understand performance complexity, Google Measurement Partners gives you an array of options to expand...

  • Getting an advantage with MoPub ILRD & Tenjin DataVault: A webinar

    Ebony Nicole Simone

    Getting an advantage with MoPub ILRD & Tenjin DataVault: A webinar

    We are very ecstatic to share our latest discussion with MoPub on impression-level data (ILRD) and never before seen use-cases of MoPub ILRD with Tenjin’s DataVault. Tenjin built the Basic ad revenue LTV model in 2017, and the Advanced ad revenue model was launched in 2018. In 2019, Tenjin released our Pro ad revenue model...

  • 2020 Hyper-casual Benchmark Report

    Ebony Nicole Simone

    2020 Hyper-casual Benchmark Report

    We’ve finalized our annual hyper-casual benchmark report that you can download below. In this report, we’ve compiled the median CPIs for hyper-casual games with a breakdown per top country and top ad network. You learn which country has the lowest CPI of $0.16 on iOS. 2019 was another year when hyper-casual games dominated app stores’...
