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Tenjin 推出三项扶持政策,支持中小型团队和独立开发者跨越周期,降本增效

墨西哥顶级移动出版商是如何将其投资组合的 LTV 提升 35%的 - HyperBeard 的案例研究

《转型 2023: 从广告变现到混合变现》上半年报告更新(广告平台和国家/地区排名 + IAP 和 eCPM 趋势)

  • LTV 201: A Simple Method for Forecasting

    Sunny Cha

    LTV 201: A Simple Method for Forecasting

    Lifetime value is tricky. The simplest — and also the most reliable — LTV calculations tell you what happened in the past: segment X made Y dollars per user. In a perfect world, that would be enough. But usually, you’ll want to know the future, and that means building a more complex model. “Complex” can mean a lot...

  • The Paid Marketing Conversion Funnel

    Chris Farm

    The Paid Marketing Conversion Funnel

    In my last few meetings with small developers who want to learn about paid User Acquisition, we talked about the paid marketing conversion funnel. It seems like a simple concept at the outset, but when marketers first start buying installs it’s probably the most important concept to understand. Here’s a slide that sums up the...

  • 7 Tips for Optimizing Mobile App Install Campaigns From Setup to Analysis

    Sunny Cha

    7 Tips for Optimizing Mobile App Install Campaigns From Setup to Analysis

    Mobile app install campaigns are like carefully tuned machines: every part needs optimization to prevent an explosion (in your ad budget, of course). From compiling the creatives to interpreting analytics into actionable insights, you’ve got to get it all right to succeed. We put together a list of seven tips, from the start of a...

  • Tenjin Adds Search Ads Attribution for iOS 10

    Sunny Cha

    Tenjin Adds Search Ads Attribution for iOS 10

    Today, Apple ends its test of App Store Search Ads and rolls out the feature to all developers as part of iOS 10. This is a brand new user acquisition channel, and one with interesting implications for big and small app developers alike. Impact of search on the app marketSearch on the App Store has become clogged...

  • LTV 101

    Sunny Cha

    LTV 101

    I talk to mobile app developers every day. After each conversation, it still amazes me how most of them don’t know what LTV means, and for those that do, they might be fuzzy on the math. This post is intended to get developers up to speed, if not to expert level (a tall order!). What...

  • IDFA Sends All Zeros on iOS 10 Devices

    Chris Farm

    IDFA Sends All Zeros on iOS 10 Devices

    A few months ago, Apple announced that iOS 10 will send all zeros for itsadvertisingIdentiferfield when the device’s user sets their limit ad tracking flag toON. According to Tenjin’s aggregate records, this represents ~15% of devices where IDFA will not be unique for a specific device. As I noted in my last post about cookies, the...
