前不久召开,距离隐私革命的开始,已经过去了两年。正是在 2020 年的 WWDC 上,Apple 首次宣布改变开发者访问广告标示符(IDFA)的方式...
前不久召开,距离隐私革命的开始,已经过去了两年。正是在 2020 年的 WWDC 上,Apple 首次宣布改变开发者访问广告标示符(IDFA)的方式...
在 iOS 14.5 隐私政策变更的背景下,采用自动化工具以获取数据洞察的重要性尤为突出。在这个案例研究中,我们将跟随 Umami Games 的旅程,了解他们如何从诸如 Google Spreadsheets 和 Trello 等手动报告工具转向完全自动化的数据基础设施。
The wait is over! The “Hyper-casual Games Insights for Advertisers” infographic for 2022 Q1 is finally out. This time we have partnered with our friends from GameAnalytics to bring you day 1 and day 7 retention benchmark in this edition of the report. Let’s explore how the hyper-casual market has changed compared to 2021 Q3 and go through the...
对于 Tenjin 的客户来说,这是激动人心的一天,因为适用于 SKAdNetwork 的 Google Ads 已完全集成到 Tenjin 的整个产品组合中...
iOS 15 has unlocked a variety of new use cases that make SKAdNetwork much more appealing for advertisers. Despite this, not many advertisers are taking advantage of it – yet. Here are three simple but often overlooked things that advertisers of all sizes can start doing right now: – Get granular data from SANs (Self...
It’s that time of the year already! Once again we have created a report to help hyper-casual publishers navigate the challenges of the ever-changing mobile industry. This year, we focus on the most interesting quarter: the third quarter, when the industry felt the full effect of Apple’s privacy changes. We have presented all of the insight...
点击订阅按钮,我在此同意 Tenjin 按照隐私政策的收集和处理个人数据。 隐私政策.