Our latest industry report “From Hyper to Hybrid in 2024” is here! 马上获取报告

Tenjin 推出三项扶持政策,支持中小型团队和独立开发者跨越周期,降本增效

墨西哥顶级移动出版商是如何将其投资组合的 LTV 提升 35%的 - HyperBeard 的案例研究

《转型 2023: 从广告变现到混合变现》上半年报告更新(广告平台和国家/地区排名 + IAP 和 eCPM 趋势)

  • iOS 15: Turn your data into powerful insights with Growth FullStack

    Roman Garbar

    iOS 15: Turn your data into powerful insights with Growth FullStack

    Growth FullStack is a new ETL tool brought to you by a partnership between Tenjin and GameAnalytics. 2021 has been a year of moving goalposts for mobile marketers, with privacy-first changes on iOS drastically changing app growth strategies. App publishers have been dragged away from their core business of building great apps and games, and forced...

  • Tenjin 加入 HUAWEI Ads 合作伙伴计划

    Roman Garbar

    Tenjin 加入 HUAWEI Ads 合作伙伴计划

    As you know, in May 2021 we shared the exciting news that Tenjin customers could start measuring ad performance on alternative app stores. We see these ecosystems as key to the growth of our customers and Tenjin itself, so we’re delighted to announce that Tenjin has now joined HUAWEI Ads partnership.  HUAWEI Ads supports direct placements using HUAWEI Assistant·TODAY and...

  • Hyper-casual Benchmark Report: H1 2020

    Ebony Nicole Simone

    Hyper-casual Benchmark Report: H1 2020

    Find out how to get your copy of our latest benchmark report for 2021. Our hyper-casual benchmark report for H1 2020 is here; you can download it below. Inside you find median CPIs and IPMs for hyper-casual games with the breakdown per top country and ad network for the first six months of 2020. Plus, you will find...

  • iOS 15 为广告主提供了新的帮助,也带来了新的挑战

    Roman Garbar

    iOS 15 为广告主提供了新的帮助,也带来了新的挑战

    The adoption rate of iOS 14.6 is reaching the 50% mark. Not surprisingly, there is a direct correlation between the adoption rates and the ad spend (detailed graph is available in the post). A lot of it is due to the reluctance of advertisers to spend significant amounts of budgets on SKAdNetwork. Instead of iOS,  developers...

  • iOS 14.5: The imminent role change of Facebook MMPs

    Makoto Taguchi

    iOS 14.5: The imminent role change of Facebook MMPs

    The introduction of SKAdNetwork significantly changed the role Facebook MMPs (Mobile Measurement Partners) play within the mobile ecosystem. At this point, there is no difference between using Facebook MMPs and the tools that Facebook is providing publicly. We believe that iOS 14.5 and SKAdNetwork leveled the playing field for everyone involved in advertising measurement and...
